Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I accidentally asked a boy out.

So, for those of you following along with the below story, I’ve decided to back off a bit for the time being and fill you in on some real-time dating shambles.

Scene – I have been single now for four months after getting out of a string of two demi-serious relationships. I promised myself I could and should be single for six months. That was the goal…until I accidentally asked a boy out on facebook today.

Seriously. Who does that?

We have recently become friends on facebook (after I found out we moved back to the same town after going to college together) and started messaging back and forth. Little chit chat stuff. He messaged me at 7:30 this morning, something along the lines of ‘Blah, blah, blah, inconsequential nonsense……Give me a call sometime if you want to hang out XXX.XXX.XXX. Have a good one, Hot Boy’

Ugh. He tried to put the ball in my court - I forward to my friends for immediate analysis and discussion.

And then what do I do? Message him back. Only five freaking hours later. The married woman I work with talked me into it.

Note to self: Don’t take dating advice from marrieds. You will likely regret it in under five minutes.

My message…something along the lines of ‘Blah blah blah…It would be great to hang out…my number is XXX.XXX.XXXX – we should grab drinks sometime.

So, lovely readers, any advice on fixing this? I’m an idiot.


  1. hahahahaha love this. "accidentally" asked him out my ass. solution: you go buy a cute outfit because he WILL text you back and you WILL go have drinks.

  2. I agree with Jessica! Never turn down an excuse to go buy a cute outfit (or five). :)

  3. You don't ever accidentally ask someone out. It happened. Not a big deal. You can go on a date, get a free meal and/or drink, get dressed up, maybe buy a new doesn't mean it has to be a relationship. You can still reach your goal of single for six months.
